Adar (02/28/2025)
Sabbath (Every Seventh Day of The Week)
Holy Days & Holy Feasts
Holy Days & Holy Feasts
New Year's Day 5786 (03/29/2025)
Passover (04/11/2025)
Feast of Unleavened Bread (04/12/2025 - 04/19/2025)
2nd Month Passover (05/11/2025)
Feast of First Fruits (N/A)
Feast of Weeks (N/A)
Feast of Trumpets (09/22/2025)
Day of Atonement (10/01/2025)
Feast of Tabernacles (10/06/2025 - 10/14/2025)
First of The Month
First of The Month
Shevat (01/29/2025)
Adar (02/28/2025)
Abib 5786 (03/29/2025)
Zif (04/28/2025)
Sivan (05/27/2025)
Tamuz (06/26/2025)
Av (07/25/2025)
Elul (08/24/2025)
Ethanim (09/22/2025)
Bul (10/22/2025)
Kislev (11/20/2025)
Tevet (12/20/2025)