The Law Chronologically Ordered

Speaker Code: (M) - Moses | (O) - Other | (Y) - YHWH

GEN 1 YHWH Creates Earth / Be Fruitful Law / Have Dominion Law (O,Y)

GEN 2:1-17 YHWH Finalizes Creation of Earth (O,Y)

GEN 2:18-24 Marriage Law (O,Y)

GEN 3 Mankind Cursed for Adam and Eve's Sin (O,Y)

GEN 9:1-19 Be Fruitful Law / Do Not Eat Blood Law / Bloodshed Law / YHWH's Covenant with All Living Creations (Y)

GEN 17 YHWH's Covenant with Abraham / Circumcision Law (O,Y)

GEN 26:2-5 YHWH's Covenant Confirmed with Isaac (Y)

GEN 28:12-15 YHWH's Covenant Confirmed with Jacob (O,Y)

EX 3:15 YHWH's Name Law (Y)

EX 12:1-2 The First Month of The Year Law (Y)

EX 13:1-2 YHWH Claims All of Israel’s Firstborn Law (Y)

EX 14:1-9 YHWH’s Plan to Get Glory Over Pharaoh / Pharaoh Pursues Israel (O,Y)

EX 15:1-21 Israel Sings about YHWH Defeating Egypt (M,O)

EX 16:1-3 Israel Complains about Hunger (O)

EX 17:1-7 Israel Complains about Thirst / YHWH Brings Water from The Rock (M,O,Y)

EX 18 Moses Takes Advice from Father-in-Law (M,O)

EX 19:1-2 Israel Comes to Mt. Sinai (O)

EX 20:1-3 No Gods Come Before YHWH Law (Y)

EX 21:1-6 Hebrew Servant Law (Y)

EX 22:1-4 Thief Law (Y)

EX 23:1 Do Not Spread A False Report Law / Do Not Join The Wicked and be A False Witness Law (Y)

EX 24:1-2 YHWH Commands Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu and Seventy Elders to Come to Him (Y)

EX 25:1-7 Supply Request for The Tabernacle's Construction Law (Y)

EX 26:1-14 Directions for The Tabernacle's Curtains Construction (Y)

EX 27:1-8 Directions for The Tabernacle's Bronze Altar Construction (Y)

EX 28:1 Aaron's Seed is to Serve as YHWH's Priest Law (Y)

EX 29:1-9 Directions for Levitical Priest Ordainment / Priesthood Belongs to Aaron's Seed Forever Law (Y)

EX 30:1-6 Directions for The Tabernacle's Altar of Incense Construction (Y)

EX 31:1-11 YHWH Identifies The Tabernacle's Lead Builders / YHWH Gives Israel Knowledge and Ability to Build The Tabernacle / Build YHWH's Sanctuary Law (Y)

EX 32:1-6 Aaron and Israel Make Golden Calf (O)

EX 33:1-6 YHWH Commands Israel to Leave Mt. Sinai / YHWH Commands Israel to Remove Their Ornaments (Y)

EX 34:1-4 YHWH Tells Moses to Come Up Mt. Sinai Again (O,Y)

EX 35:1-3 Sabbath Law (M)

EX 36:1 Moses Commands Israel to Follow YHWH's Directions on Building The Tabernacle (M)

EX 37:1-9 Tabernacle's Ark Construction Illustrated (O)

EX 38:1-7 Tabernacle's Bronze Altar Construction Illustrated (O)

EX 39:1 Levitical High Priest Garment Creation Illustrated (O)

EX 40:1-15 The Opening of The Tabernacle Law (Y)

LEV 1:1-2 Burnt Offering Law (Y)

LEV 2:1-3 Grain Offering Law (Y)

LEV 3:1-5 Peace Offering of Herd Law (Y)

LEV 4:1-12 Unintentional Sin Offering for Levitical Priest Law (Y)

LEV 5:1-6 Trespass Offering Law (Y)

LEV 6:1-7 Sin Committed Against Another Man Offering Law (Y)

LEV 7:1-7 Trespass Offering Law (Y)

LEV 8 Moses Ordains The Levitical Priest and Consecrates The Tabernacle (M,O,Y)

LEV 9 Moses and Aaron Complete Offerings / The Glory of YHWH Appears Before Israel and YHWH Consumes Offering (M,O)

LEV 10:1-7 YHWH Kills Aaron’s Sons for Disobedience (M,O)

LEV 11:1-8 Land Animal Eating Law (Y)

LEV 12:1-5 Male/Female Childbirth Purification Law (Y)

LEV 13:1-8 Diagnosis of Leprosy on Skin Law (Y)

LEV 14:1-32 Leprosy on Man Purification Offering Law (Y)

LEV 15:1-12 Male Discharge Law (Y)

LEV 16:1-2 Levitical Priest Do Not Have Free-Will to Enter The Most Holy Place in The Tabernacle Law (Y)

LEV 17:1-9 Bring Sacrifices and Offerings to The Tabernacle Law (Y)

LEV 18:1-5 Keep YHWH's Law (Y)

LEV 19:1-2 Be Holy Law (Y)

LEV 20:1-5 Offering Children to Moloch Law (Y)

LEV 21:1-4 Levitical Priest Touching Dead People Law (Y)

LEV 22:1-7 Levitical Priest Eating of Holy Things Law (Y)

LEV 23:1-2 YHWH's Yearly Feast Law (Y)

LEV 24:1-4 Tabernacle's Golden Lampstand Law / Levitical High Priest Golden Lampstand Law (Y)

LEV 25:1-7 Sabbatical Year Law (Y)

LEV 26:1 Do Not Create Idols Law (Y)

LEV 27:1-8 Dedication Offering of Man Law (Y)

NUMB 1:1-46 Census Done for Israel's Army at Mt. Sinai (O,Y)

NUMB 2 Israel Camping Law (O,Y)

NUMB 3:1-4 The Sons of Aaron Listed (O)

NUMB 4 Levitical Men Tabernacle Responsibility Law (O,Y)

NUMB 5:1-4 Remove All Unclean from The Congregation Law (Y)

NUMB 6:1-21 Nazarite Vow Law (Y)

NUMB 7 Chief's Offering for The Dedication of The Tabernacle's Bronze Altar Law (O,Y)

NUMB 8:1-4 Levitical High Priest Tabernacle's Golden Lampstand Law (O,Y)

NUMB 9:1-14 Passover Law (M,O,Y)

NUMB 10:1-10 Silver Trumpet Law (Y)

NUMB 11 Israel and Moses Complain about Camping Circumstances; YHWH Backfires (M,O,Y)

NUMB 12 Miriam and Aaron Disrespect Moses; YHWH Backfires (M,O,Y)

NUMB 13 Israelites Spy on The Promised Land / Fearful Israelites Bring an Inaccurate Report Back (M,O,Y)

NUMB 14 Israel Cursed to 40yrs in Wilderness (M,O,Y)

NUMB 15:1-14 Offering Law (Y)

NUMB 16 Israel Rebels; YHWH Sends Plague (M,O,Y)

NUMB 17 Aaron’s Staff is Chosen by YHWH / Tabernacle's Ark Law (O,Y)

NUMB 18:1-7 Levitical Men Tabernacle Law (Y)

NUMB 19:1-10 Sin Offering for Cleansing Impurity Law (Y)

NUMB 20 Miriam Dies / YHWH Tells Moses He Won’t Enter The Promised Land / Aaron Dies (M,O,Y)

NUMB 21 Israel Complains; YHWH Backfires / Wars in The Wilderness (O,Y)

NUMB 22 Balak, The King of Moab Sends for Balaam to Curse Israel (O,Y)

NUMB 23 YHWH Won’t Let Balaam Curse Israel (O,Y)

NUMB 24 Balaam Prophecies the Fall of Moab (O)

NUMB 25 Israel Falls to False God Worship; A Levitical Priest Backfires (M,O,Y)

NUMB 26:1-51 Census before Entering The Promised Land (M,O,Y)

NUMB 27:1-7 Daughters from The Tribe of Manasseh Question Inheritance Law (O,Y)

NUMB 28:1-2 Bring YHWH's Offerings in Their Due Season Law (Y)

NUMB 29:1-6 Feast of Trumpets Offering Law (Y)

NUMB 30:1-2 Men Making Vows to YHWH Law (M)

NUMB 31:1-20 Israel Goes to War with Midian / Soldier Purification Law (M,O,Y)

NUMB 32 Gad, Half of Manasseh and Reuben Request The Land of Gilead (M,O)

NUMB 33:1-49 Record of Israel's Journey Through The Wilderness (O)

NUMB 34:1-15 The Borders of The Promised Land Law (M,Y)

NUMB 35:1-8 Pasture Land for The Levites in The Promised Land Law (Y)

NUMB 36 Inheritance Law (M,O)

DEU 1:1-5 Location and Timing of Moses Reviewal of YHWH's Law (O)

DEU 2 Moses Review - Israel's Journey during The 40yr Curse (M,O)

DEU 3 Moses Review - Israel's Journey during The 40yr Curse (M)

DEU 4:1 Follow YHWH's Law (M)

DEU 5:1-5 Moses Review - Israel at Mt. Sinai (M)

DEU 6:1-3 Follow YHWH's Law (M)

DEU 7:1-5 Destroy The Inhabiters of The Promised Land Law (M)

DEU 8:1 Keep YHWH's Law (M)

DEU 9:1-3 Moses Preparing Israel for Battle / Destruction of The Inhabiters of The Promised Land Law (M)

DEU 10:1-5 Moses Review - Israel at Mt. Sinai (M)

DEU 11:1 Love YHWH and Follow YHWH's Law (M)

DEU 12:1 Follow YHWH's Law (M)

DEU 13:1-3 Do Not Follow Prophet or Dreamer into False God Worship Law (M)

DEU 14:1 Do Not Cut Body or Shave Hair on Head for The Dead Law (M)

DEU 15:1-3 Sabbatical Year Law (M)

DEU 16:1 Observe Month of Abib Law / Keep The Passover Law (M)

DEU 17:1 Do Not Sacrifice an Animal with Any Defect or Blemish Law (M)

DEU 18:1-8 Levitical Men Inheritance Law (M)

DEU 19:1-10 Cities of Refuge Law (M)

DEU 20:1-9 War Law (M)

DEU 21:1-9 Unsolved Murder Case Law (M)

DEU 22:1-3 Lost Property Law (M)

DEU 23:1-8 Individuals Forbidden from Entering The House of Israel Law / Do Not Hate Edomite or Egyptian Law (M)

DEU 24:1-4 Re-Marriage Law (M)

DEU 25:1 Righteous Judgement Law (M)

DEU 26:1-11 First of First Fruits in Promise Land Offering Law (M)

DEU 27:1-8 Stones at Mt. Ebal Law (M)

DEU 28:1-14 Blessing for Obedience to YHWH's Law (M)

DEU 29 Covenant with YHWH Recited in Moab (M)

DEU 30:1-10 YHWH's Mercy (M)

DEU 31:1-2 Moses Confirms That He Would Not Enter The Promised Land (M)

DEU 32:1-47 Moses Recites YHWH's Song to Israel / Teach Children YHWH's Law (M)

DEU 33 Moses Blesses Israelite Tribes Individually (M)

DEU 34 Death of Moses / The Eulogy of Moses (O,Y)

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