LEV 13:45-46 Leprous Diseased Person Law


“The leper in whom the plague is shall wear torn clothes, and the hair of his head shall hang loose. He shall cover his upper lip, and shall cry, ‘Unclean! Unclean!’ 46 All the days in which the plague is in him he shall be unclean. He is unclean. He shall dwell alone. His dwelling shall be outside of the camp.

Speaker: YHWH | Bible Version: TCMV


  • The leper in whom the plague is shall wear torn clothes, and the hair of his head shall hang loose.

  • He shall cover his upper lip, and shall cry, ‘Unclean! Unclean!’

  • All the days in which the plague is in him he shall be unclean. He is unclean.

  • He shall dwell alone. His dwelling shall be outside of the camp.


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Biblical Example

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Present Day Example

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