DEU 12:2-3 Destroy The Gods From The Inhabiters of The Promised Land Law
You shall surely destroy all the places in which the nations that you shall dispossess served their gods: on the high mountains, and on the hills, and under every green tree. 3 You shall break down their altars, dash their pillars in pieces, and burn their Asherah poles with fire. You shall cut down the engraved images of their gods. You shall destroy their name out of that place.
Speaker: Moses | Bible Version: TCMV
You shall surely destroy all the places in which the nations that you shall dispossess served their gods: on the high mountains, and on the hills, and under every green tree.
You shall break down their altars, dash their pillars in pieces, and burn their Asherah poles with fire.
You shall cut down the engraved images of their gods. You shall destroy their name out of that place.
None specific.
Biblical Example
Still populating.
Present Day Example
Still populating.