The Law Categorically Ordered

Speaker Code: (M) - Moses | (O) - Other | (Y) - YHWH

Promised Land Laws

EX 23:24 Do Not Follow The Worshiping Methods of The Inhabiters of The Promised Land Law / Destroy The Inhabiters of The Promised Land Law (Y)

LEV 19:23-25 New Tree Planting Law (Y)

LEV 20:22 Follow YHWH's Law (Y)

LEV 25:1-7 Sabbatical Year Law (Y)

LEV 26:3-13 Blessing for Following YHWH's Law (Y)

NUMB 15:17-21 First Bread Offering Law (Y)

NUMB 26:52-56 Division of The Promised Land Law (Y)

NUMB 27:8-11 Inheritance Law (Y)

NUMB 32 Gad, Half of Manasseh and Reuben Request The Land of Gilead (M,O)

NUMB 33:50-56 Entering to Possess The Promised Land Law (Y)

NUMB 34:1-15 The Borders of The Promised Land Law (M,Y)

NUMB 35:1-8 Pasture Land for The Levites in The Promised Land Law (Y)

NUMB 36 Inheritance Law (M,O)

DEU 4:1 Follow YHWH's Law (M)

DEU 6:10-12 Do Not Forget YHWH Law (M)

DEU 7:1-5 Destroy The Inhabiters of The Promised Land Law (M)

DEU 8:1 Keep YHWH's Law (M)

DEU 9:1-3 Moses Preparing Israel for Battle / Destruction of The Inhabiters of The Promised Land Law (M)

DEU 11:8-9 Keep YHWH's Law (M)

DEU 12:2-3 Destroy The Gods From The Inhabiters of The Promised Land Law (M)

DEU 13:12-14 Investigate Cases of Possible False God Worship in Israelite Cities Law (M)

DEU 14:22-26 Tithe Law (M)

DEU 15:7-11 Helping The Poor Law (M)

DEU 17:2-5 False God Worshiper in The Promised Land Law (M)

DEU 18:1-8 Levitical Men Inheritance Law (M)

DEU 19:1-10 Cities of Refuge Law (M)

DEU 20:16-18 Destroy The Inhabiters of The Promised Land Law (M)

DEU 21:1-9 Unsolved Murder Case Law (M)

DEU 22:8 House Construction Law (M)

DEU 23:24-25 Reaping Another Man's Harvest Law (M)

DEU 25:17-19 Destroy Amalek Law (M)

DEU 26:1-11 First of First Fruits in Promise Land Offering Law (M)

DEU 27:1-8 Stones at Mt. Ebal Law (M)

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