The Law Categorically Ordered

Speaker Code: (M) - Moses | (O) - Other | (Y) - YHWH

Leader Laws

EX 17:8-16 YHWH Identifies Amalek as an Enemy Forever Law (M,O,Y)

EX 18 Moses Takes Advice from Father-in-Law (M,O)

EX 22:28 Do Not Blaspheme YHWH Law / Do Not Curse Leader Law (Y)

EX 23:3 Do Not Show Favoritism to The Poor Law (Y)

EX 28:35 Levitical High Priest Robe Law (Y)

EX 29:29 Levitical Priest Successor Ordainment Law (Y)

EX 30:11-16 Israel Census Law (Y)

LEV 4:22-26 Unintentional Sin Offering for Leader Law (Y)

LEV 15:31 Keep Israel Separate from Their Uncleanness Law (Y)

LEV 19:15 Judge Righteously Law / Do Not Judge The Poor or The Rich Different Law (Y)

LEV 21:10 Levitical High Priest Hair on Head Law / Levitical High Priest Do Not Tear Holy Garments Law (Y)

NUMB 1:1-46 Census Done for Israel's Army at Mt. Sinai (O,Y)

NUMB 2 Israel Camping Law (O,Y)

NUMB 3:14-39 Levitical Men Camping Law / Levitical Men Tabernacle Law (O,Y)

NUMB 7 Chief's Offering for The Dedication of The Tabernacle's Bronze Altar Law (O,Y)

NUMB 9:15-23 YHWH Guides Israel Through Wilderness (O)

NUMB 10:1-10 Silver Trumpet Law (Y)

NUMB 26:1-51 Census before Entering The Promised Land (M,O,Y)

NUMB 27:12-23 Joshua Made to Succeed Moses (M,O,Y)

NUMB 31:1-20 Israel Goes to War with Midian / Soldier Purification Law (M,O,Y)

NUMB 33:50-56 Entering to Possess The Promised Land Law (Y)

DEU 1:16-17 Righteous Judging Law (M)

DEU 7:16 Do Not Pity Israel's Enemy Law / Do Not Serve The Gods of Israel's Enemy Law (M)

DEU 9:1-3 Moses Preparing Israel for Battle / Destruction of The Inhabiters of The Promised Land Law (M)

DEU 13:1-3 Do Not Follow Prophet or Dreamer into False God Worship Law (M)

DEU 16:18-20 Appoint Judges Law / Righteous Judgement Law (M)

DEU 17:2-5 False God Worshiper in The Promised Land Law (M)

DEU 18:15-22 New Prophet Law (M)

DEU 20:1-9 War Law (M)

DEU 23:1-8 Individuals Forbidden from Entering The House of Israel Law / Do Not Hate Edomite or Egyptian Law (M)

DEU 24:9 Remember Miriam’s Sin Law (M)

DEU 25:1 Righteous Judgement Law (M)

DEU 31:3-6 Moses Prepares Israel for Battle (M)

DEU 34 Death of Moses / The Eulogy of Moses (O,Y)

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