Levite & Priest Laws
EX 28:1 Aaron's Seed is to Serve as YHWH's Priest Law (Y)
:10-28 Directions for Levitical Priest Ordainment / Levitical Priest's Portion Law (Y)
:31-35 Directions for Levitical Priest Ordainment / Levitical Priest Ordainment Holy Food Law (Y)
EX 30:7-9 Tabernacle's Altar of Incense Law (Y)
LEV 4:1-12 Unintentional Sin Offering for Levitical Priest Law (Y)
LEV 6:19-22 Levitical High Priest Ordainment Offering Law (Y)
LEV 7:8 Levitical Priest Portion of Burnt Offering Law (Y)
:10 Levitical Priest are to Separate The Holy from The Unholy Law (Y)
:11 Levitical Priest are to Teach Israel All The Commandments Law (Y)
LEV 15:31 Keep Israel Separate from Their Uncleanness Law (Y)
LEV 21:1-4 Levitical Priest Touching Dead People Law (Y)
:8 Levitical Priest are to be Sanctified and Holy Among Israel Law (Y)
:10 Levitical High Priest Hair on Head Law / Levitical High Priest Do Not Tear Holy Garments Law (Y)
:11 Levitical High Priest Do Not Touch Any Dead People Law (Y)
:12 Levitical High Priest Do Not Leave The Tabernacle Law (Y)
LEV 22:1-7 Levitical Priest Eating of Holy Things Law (Y)
:8 Levitical Priest Do Not Eat an Animal That Died Due to Old Age or Another Animal Law (Y)
:15-16 Levitical Priest Do Not Profane The Holy Things Israel Offer to YHWH Law (Y)
LEV 24:1-4 Tabernacle's Golden Lampstand Law / Levitical High Priest Golden Lampstand Law (Y)
LEV 25:32-34 Levitical Estate Law (Y)
NUMB 1:47-49 Do Not Take a Census of The Levitical Men Law (O,Y)
NUMB 3:1-4 The Sons of Aaron Listed (O)
:11-13 Levitical Men and All Firstborn Among Israel Belong to YHWH Law (Y)
:14-39 Levitical Men Camping Law / Levitical Men Tabernacle Law (O,Y)
NUMB 4 Levitical Men Tabernacle Responsibility Law (O,Y)
NUMB 5:9-10 Levitical Priest Portion Law (Y)
NUMB 6:22-27 Levitical Priest Shall Bless Israel Law (Y)
NUMB 8:1-4 Levitical High Priest Tabernacle's Golden Lampstand Law (O,Y)
NUMB 18:1-7 Levitical Men Tabernacle Law (Y)
NUMB 25 Israel Falls to False God Worship; A Levitical Priest Backfires (M,O,Y)
NUMB 35:1-8 Pasture Land for The Levites in The Promised Land Law (Y)
DEU 12:19 Do Not Neglect The Levite Law (M)
DEU 14:27 Do Not Neglect The Levite Law (M)
DEU 17:14-20 King of Israel Law (M)
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