Marriage & Sexual Relationship Laws
GEN 1 YHWH Creates Earth / Be Fruitful Law / Have Dominion Law (O,Y)
GEN 2:18-25 Marriage Law (O,Y)
GEN 17 YHWH's Covenant with Abraham / Circumcision Law (O,Y)
EX 13:1-2 YHWH Claims All of Israel’s Firstborn Law (Y)
EX 20:14 Do Not Commit Adultery Law (Y)
EX 21:7-11 Concubine Law / Female Servant Law (Y)
EX 22:16-17 Fornication Law (Y)
LEV 12:1-5 Male/Female Childbirth Purification Law (Y)
LEV 15:16-18 Male Semen Emission Law (Y)
LEV 18:6 Do Not Have Sexual Relations with Any Close Relatives Law (Y)
:7-8 Do Not Have Sexual Relations with Parents or Step-Parents Law (Y)
:10 Do Not Have Sexual Relations with Any Grandchildren Law (Y)
:11 Do Not Have Sexual Relations with Any Half-Siblings Law (Y)
:12-14 Do Not Have Sexual Relations with Any Aunts or Uncles Law (Y)
:15 Do Not Have Sexual Relations with Daughter-in-Law or Son-in-Law Law (Y)
:16 Do Not Have Sexual Relations with Sister-in-Law or Brother-in-Law Law (Y)
:17 Do Not Have Sexual Relations with A Woman and Her Child or Grandchild Law (Y)
:18 Do Not Have Sexual Relations or Marry The Sibling of A Spouse Law (Y)
:19 Do Not Have Sexual Relations with A Woman on Her Menstrual Cycle Law (Y)
:24-25 Do Not Become Unclean by Disobeying The Sexual Relationship Laws Law (Y)
:26-30 Follow YHWH's Law / Do Not Disobey Any of The Sexual Relationship Laws Law (Y)
:12 Sexual Relations with Daughter-in-Law or Son-in-Law Law (Y)
:18 Sexual Relations with A Woman on Her Menstrual Cycle Law (Y)
:21 Sexual Relations with Sister-in-Law or Brother-in-Law Law (Y)
LEV 21:7 Levitical Priest Marriage Law (Y)
NUMB 3:11-13 Levitical Men and All Firstborn Among Israel Belong to YHWH Law (Y)
NUMB 5:11-31 Suspected Adultery Offering Law (Y)
DEU 5:18 Do Not Commit Adultery Law (M)
DEU 7:1-5 Destroy The Inhabiters of The Promised Land Law (M)
DEU 17:14-20 King of Israel Law (M)
DEU 21:10-14 Foreign Wife Marriage Law (M)
DEU 22:13-21 Questioning Virgin Wife Law (M)
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